Conspiracy Theories
I'm suspicious of conspiracy theories but I wasn’t always. In my younger years I remember enthusiastically embracing certain conspiracy theories if they seemed plausible and if they fit the narrative of how I thought the world worked. However, in time I got tired of feeling betrayed by the purveyors of these conspiracy theories. I also got tired of looking stupid. Of course once in a while conspiracy theories turn out to be true.
The Covid-19 pandemic was rife with conspiracy theories. Most of them turned out to be untrue but a few of them panned out.
If you are looking for a good conspiracy theory look no further than social media. Of course there is that one friend or neighbor who seems to always be in the know about the latest thing that no one else knows about except them and a select group of people. On Sunday it was announced that President Biden is not going to run for president. I don’t think this comes as a surprise to too many people but it’s big news. Of course the conspiracy theories began immediately. Here's one I found on social media today. Apparently it’s been reported that President Biden is actually dead and they have been hiding it from us. I wonder how many people are going to run with that one? Of course if you want the real truth about whether or not something is true you can always google it or do some fact checking with Snopes. However, as I have discovered they don’t always tell the truth. What an interesting time we live in when you have to fact check your fact checker!
Allow me to share some information with you that you will not have to fact check. In Ephesians 6:11-12 the Apostle Paul pulls the curtain back to show us what we as Christ followers are up against. Put on all of God’s armor so that you can stand against all the strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
In other words there is a major conspiracy being perpetrated against all of us every day of our lives. However this conspiracy is not a theory. This conspiracy is as real as the air you and I breathe. It’s the reason I don’t get all worked up when people talk about the latest conspiracy theory because the biggest conspiracy is happening all over the world 24/7. The good news is we don’t have to be victims of this conspiracy no matter how crazy things get in the world.
I encourage you to read Ephesians 6:13-18. Paul instructs believers on how to be victorious in the midst of the daily conspiracy that is our reality. I’m not sure about president Biden’s health or if the CIA was involved in Trump's assassination attempt but I know one thing for sure, God wins and that is not a conspiracy theory, that is the truth!
Stay blessed,