Merry Christmas from Pacific Life Church

I want to begin by thanking you for your support in 2024. It was an eventful and challenging year. One thing Karen and I love about this church is your obvious love for people. Whenever we have guest speakers they can’t say enough about how warm and friendly our church is. However it goes beyond that. You guys take it to the next level. Many of you don’t just attend our church but you are the church. You volunteer, you give of your time, talent, and resources, and you represent us well in the spaces and places you do life. I love your heart for reaching out locally and globally. In the last couple of months we have given away $15,000 to…

  • Give Clean Water (providing life changing water filters around the world)

  • CAPS (College Area Pregnancy Services)

  • Bridge Builders (Refugee ministry)

  • Buena Onda (Mexico project to help children and their families)

  • We See You San Diego (Homeless ministry)

When Hurricane Helene hit the east coast a couple of months ago you came through with $2000 to partner with Convoy of Hope to bring relief to those impacted by the hurricane. You helped 15 families that live below the poverty line have a wonderful Thanksgiving by providing them with $200 grocery gift cards. A woman came up to me yesterday and said, “You have no idea what a blessing your church was to our family.” They just moved from Oklahoma and were struggling to adjust to the cost of living in San Diego. With the help of some volunteers from our church we did a taco outreach for the Northern Division Police Department. They loved it! As you can see we have been very busy this year exporting the kingdom of God in our community and around the world. We could not have done it were it not for your generosity. 

About eight months ago we had to leave the auditorium we meet in so it could be renovated. 
If you were with us on that journey you know we were moved around the campus to different venues and finally ended up doing outdoor services for a couple of months. Last week we got back into our auditorium and I have to say, it looks great! 

Until recently we were in search of a worship leader. The search is over. On Sunday, December 1st, We brought Spencer Elliott on as our new worship leader. If you want to know more about Spencer go back to our last post where we did an interview with him. 

I have to mention our Pacific Life Church Christmas party. Close to 60 people had an amazing time together at the beautiful home of Don and Glenda Blair. Thank you Don and Glenda! 

As we prepare to close our books for 2024 I want to make you aware that we have been running in the red the last few months to the tune of $4,000 to $5,000 a month. We would like to close out the year in the positive column but we can’t do it without some significant help from you. Thanks to some very generous donations our bank account is looking good but we can’t continue to put a drain on our savings in the coming year. I hope you will consider giving a generous end of the year gift to Pacific Life Church.

Before I close I want to make you aware of a potentially wonderful opportunity that we are praying about. There is a vacant church building in Pacific Beach that we might be able to rent or lease very soon. I can’t go into a lot of detail at this point but am in conversation with the CFO of the organization that currently owns it. Please be in prayer with us about this. We have been meeting at the school since 1998 if you can believe it! Let’s pray that in 2025 we can finally get into our own space.

On behalf of myself, Maki, Spencer, and our amazing spouses (Karen, Chris and Lauren) we wish you a beautiful and blessed Christmas. 

Love & Blessings,



Word of the year


Hold Your Plans Loosely