There are two kinds of people. Those who enjoy moving and those who hate moving. I am of the latter group. Until a couple of years ago my wife, Karen and I lived in the same home just short of 30 years. We would still be living there but our landlord decided to sell the home. I was devastated! No, I was traumatized when we moved. Did I mention I don’t like moving?
In the 12th chapter of Genesis we are introduced to Abraham. At age 75 he hears from God. This is what God tells Abraham to do. Genesis 12:1 “The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your fathers family, and go to the land I will show you.” Here is what we know about Abram, (his name would later be changed to Abraham) he was married to Sarai, (her name would later be changed to Sarah), and they had no children. We also know that he was very wealthy. Try to imagine if you will how Abraham felt when God told him to leave his native country, his family, and everything he was familiar with and go to a land he knew nothing about. At age 75 when most people are settling into their retirement years, Abraham is asked to come out of retirement and start all over again. The good news for Abraham is that God promises him that he is going to super-duper bless him. Abraham has no idea about the twists and turns his life will take in the coming years. As a matter of fact if Abraham had known he probably would have turned around and made a b-line for his estate.
Moving is cool if you want to move or if you really like the place you are moving to. However, all God told Abraham is "go south". In Genesis 12:9 it says, “Then Abram continued traveling south by stages towards the Negev.” On a personal note this is the part about following God I struggle with the most. If I’m going to move, which we have already established I don’t like, I want clear and detailed directions. Abraham was afforded no such luxury and God rewarded him richly. He became the father of many nations, (that is what his name literally means). In Hebrews 11:8 we find Abraham in the Hall of Faith. It reads this way, “It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.” That may be one of the greatest statements of faith found in the Bible. No wonder he is called the Father of our faith. My question is, how did Abraham stay hopeful when he was constantly on the move? The answer is found in Hebrews 11:10, “Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God.” Abraham had an eternal perspective. When he had a hard day, he thought about a day when he would live in a city designed and built by God.
Moving often takes us out of our comfort zones. I think that’s when God does some of his greatest work in our lives. Here is the good news, God is moving all of us towards something greater than our minds can comprehend! Be encouraged.
Stay close to Jesus,