In-person and Online Service

Date: Saturday, December 24th
Location: Crown Point Junior Music Academy
4033 Ingraham St, San Diego, CA 92109

We hope you can join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus our Messiah - Immanuel, God with us.

We are excited to invite you to this very special celebration. We have a lot planned!  We will…

  • Worship through Christmas carols

  • Celebrate with our PLC Kids sharing a Christmas story and song

  • Enjoy a Bible message from Pastor Steve 

  • Luci will perform a special dance piece

  • Close with a candle light Christmas song. 

We will have goodie bags for the kids and finish the evening with dessert, hot cocoa and a photo spot to share and remember this special night.

Invite family, friends, and neighbors too!

***There will NOT be an in-person service on December 25th or January 1st. 

We will re-broadcast our Christmas Eve service on December 25th at 9am.

We will broadcast our Happy New Year message - Better Than A New Year’s Resolution - Courageous Prayer from Pastor Steve on January 1, 2023 at 9 am via our website and YouTube. Pastor Steve will invite you to join us in a 31 day prayer challenge. You don’t want to miss this!